Mt. Pleasant High School
1750 South White Road, San Jose, CA 95127
Principal, Teresa Marquez / Facilitators, Gary Walter, Alexandria Cardenas, & Lauri Wheeler
At Mt Pleasant High School, 26 students enrolled in the Opportunities Program and 23 remained in the program at the end of the first semester.
GPA’s available for 23 of the students that remained in the Opportunities Class that did not receive the 180 Degrees Program training was 2.31 before the course. At the end of the first semester, their average GPA decreased to 1.97, representing a 15% decrease. The students’ average core grades of Language Arts fell from 1.66 to 1.0 (-40%) and Mathematics grades decreased from 1.24 to 1.02 (-17%).
Full day absences records available for 22 students that remained in the Opportunities Program revealed a total of 53 absences the semester before they entered the program compared to 26 during the first semester, representing a 51% decrease. Average daily attendance in the class was 97%.
Disciplinary incidents records available for 22 students revealed 29 incidents the semester before they entered the Opportunities Program to 2 incidents during the first semester, representing a 93% decrease.
180° Graduation Night photos.