Independence High School
1776 Educational Park Drive, San Jose CA 95133
Principal, Grettel Castro-Stanley / Facilitator, Nedra Zausch
At Independence High School, during the first semester of the 2009-10 school-year, 26 students enrolled in the 180 Degrees Program and 24 students remained active in the program at the end of the first semester.
GPA’s available for 24 of the students that remained in the program was 0.33 before the course. At the end of the first semester, their average GPA improved to 0.73, representing a 121% increase.
Full day absences records available for 23 students that remained in the program revealed a total of 143 absences the semester before the training compared to 235 during the first semester, representing a 64% decrease. Average daily attendance in the 180 classes was 85%.
Disciplinary incidents records were available for 23 of the students that remained in the program, revealing a total of 8 incidents the semester before the training compared to 4 during the first semester, representing a 50% decrease.