180 Degrees Program Training
Learn About Our Program!
The 180 Degrees Program offers training and certification for teachers, facilitators, and others interested in using the social emotional learning curriculum to the fullest. Trainings are offered online using Zoom video communication platforms.
If you are interested in developing a deeper understanding and higher expertise of the 180 Degrees Program curriculum, call or email us for details and flexible pricing options!
Orientation Workshop – 2 day
This highly interactive training provides students with a detailed overview of the 180 Degrees Program curriculum including best practice for course delivery, data collection, and class facilitation.
The goal of the Orientation Workshop is to provide students with a detailed understanding and best practice application of 180 Degrees Program curriculum within the classroom or digital environment.
Facilitator Certification Program – 4 day
This highly interactive training provides students with hands-on learning covering the 180 Degrees Program curriculum, lesson planning, role playing and presentations, performance measurement, data collection, and how to enter data into the 180 Electronic Data Collection System. Database training includes 1-on-1 exercises and practice within the training database system. Instruction and discussion of all support materials, forms, and completed data collection executive summaries are included. Students will also learn how to use the 180 Case Management File System to securely store and support classroom activities.
The goal of the 4-day Certification Program is to provide student certification in the hands-on application of the 180 Degrees Program curriculum, lesson planning, case management, data collection, and database reporting system.
Completion of the 4-day training results in formal facilitator certification by 180 Degrees Program.
Facilitator Certification
Local Schools or other partner organizations may choose to use existing staff to be trained and certified as Facilitators. Facilitators are certified based upon levels of training, education, experience, performance evaluations and longevity. Facilitators are selected from local areas, recommended by school officials, partner organizations and community leaders and subject to a formal interview process. Background checks are conducted on all facilitators prior to hiring.
Our program facilitators are trained to be guides, who establish a true collaborative culture. They don’t have answers; they have thoughtful, structured questions and activities. They combine the critical 21st century skills of teamwork, technology, critical thinking, innovative problem solving, and personal reflection in all discussions and activities.
Facilitators receive 4 days intensive training in the following subjects:
- Role and responsibilities of a facilitator
- Setting up a classroom
- Curriculum delivery techniques
- Classroom management
- Crisis Intervention
- Mediation techniques
- Work rules
- Reporting procedures and protocols
- Written reports and forms
- Case management requirements
- Data collection
- Use of the electronic data collection system
Upcoming Training
November 6-7, 2020 - Grace Initiative Program, Canton, Ohio - Virtual
Contact us if you or your staff would like to learn about our training offerings.
Past Training
+ Click to view all past trainingsFacilitator Training - Click to view photos

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“Before this class…I did not really take school seriously because I was too busy doing a lot of bad stuff…out in the streets. I have learned that school is something you need and that it mostly controls where your life goes and so you should take advantage of it while you can.” “My grades are getting better and I got to play basketball this year.”— Joseph