Piedmont Hills High School
1377 Piedmont Road, San Jose, CA 95132,
Principal, Traci Williams /
Facilitator, Kenneth Jackson
At Piedmont Hills High School, during the first semester of the 2009-10 school-year, 20 students enrolled in the 180 Degrees Program and 20 remained active in the program at the end of the first semester.
GPA’s of the 20 students that remained in the program was 0.53 before the course. At the end of the first semester, their average GPA improved to 1.5, representing a 183% increase.
Full day absences of the 20 students that remained in the program revealed a total of 161 absences the semester before the training compared to 134 during the first semester, representing a 17% decrease. Average daily attendance in the 180 classes was 94%.
Disciplinary incidents for the 20 students that remained in the program, revealed a total of 28 incidents the semester before the training compared to 10 during the first semester, representing a 64% decrease.

Personal Development Surveys rating the students’ progress (1-poor, 2 fair, 3 good, 4 excellent, 5 superior) were completed by the students and teachers, rating the students in the following areas from before to after the training: (1) Attitude, (2) Motivation, (3) Achieving Goals, (4) Organization Skills, (5) Self-Control, (6) Decision Making, (7) Communication Skills, (8) Teamwork, (9) Leadership Skills, (10) Citizenship.
Students rated themselves on an average of 3.3 before the training compared to 3.73 at the end of the first semester (+13%) and the teachers rated the students 2.33 before the training to 2.79 at the end of the first semester (+20%).